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What is a Forklift Machine?

January 30, 2023

What is a Forklift Machine?

The Forklift Machine is a self-propelled loading, unloading and handling machinery with the gantry and fork as the working device. Can be used for loading and unloading, stacking into pieces of goods. After replacing the working device, it can also be used for handling special items and bulk materials.

Forklift Machine

The forklift is composed of three main parts: power unit, wheel chassis and working device. The working device includes the door frame, chain, fork frame, fork and hydraulic cylinder. The gantry is telescopic structure, which is hinged on the axle or frame. It can be tilted back and forth by tilting the hydraulic cylinder, so as to facilitate the loading and unloading of goods and driving with goods. Lifting hydraulic cylinder through the chain transmission of the fork frame equipped with cargo fork along the inner gantry, the inner gantry fork outside the gantry for the guide rail up and down expansion, so that the forklift can lower the height of the gantry, lift the cargo to a higher height.

Electric Forklift Machine

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